Tag Archives: isro


ISRO Budget over the years – small to big

Is it has been growing pretty slowly over the years currently tips at around 1.8 billion dollars which is 12000 crore in Indian rupees today we will in this article we will take a look at the historical data of his Rose budget allocated by Continue reading

isro launch debris

ISRO launch Debris particles explained

What is that thing that falls of the rocket when a ISRO rocket launches ?. Every time an ISRO rocket launches big white pieces fall off the rocket .Some people have suggested that it might be ice . Although the ice theory is completely false. Let me explain the following . Continue reading

top telescopes of india

Top 15 telescopes of India which are mind blowing

Telescopes of India

India has Some of the best telescopes of the world .Technically speaking these are observatories , they may have multiple telescopes. Many of them are very unique while some of them are just best in class. It was a difficult Continue reading

isro navic vs gps india

NavIC vs GPS , which is better?

ISRO recently finished India’s very own desi gps constellation called IRNSS. IRNSS stands for Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System .Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi named it NavIC . It stands for Continue reading

isro reusable rocket rlv space shuttle

ISRO Reusable Rockets – What we know so far

We Know ISRO has made its intent clear on an Indian Reusable Rocket . After the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch ISRO chief K Sivan told the world they have been working on reusable rocket Continue reading

china onespace rockets

Chinese Startup wants to compete with ISRO

China’s government-run space agency has long tried to make a mark in the launch market for small satellites. But it has been unable to make any sort of a dent in the weight of reputation that the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has made for itself in this segment. Continue reading