Tag Archives: moon

nasa most powerfull rocket sls

NASA fires space shuttle engine at 113% thrust

NASA fired up a rocket engine pulled from a space shuttle on Wednesday – then cranked the power up to 11.

But this hot fire, as such rocket engine tests are known, wasn’t done out of nostalgia for the space shuttle program, which retired in July 2011.

The purpose was to see how Continue reading

worm moon

what is a worm moon? when in india

Seems like March is full of astronomical wonders as there will be two full moons this month. Earth witnessed a Full Wolf Moon and Full Snow Moon in January and February. Observers will witness two full moons on March 1 and March 31, respectively.
Native american’s named March’s full moon as worm moon..

Why is it named Full Worm Moon?

If you wonder why the March full moon has this bizarre name, it is because the full moon happens when temperature arises and earthworms emerge on the topsoil. Which i why it got the name Full Worm Moon.
Two full moons in a month is called blue moon. In some regions, people call it Full Sap Moon as it marks the time “when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple tress begins.”

It will also be the second Super Blue Moon of the year. January 2018 had the first blue moon.
The Blue Moon of March or Sap Moon has another significance as it helps to fix the date of Easter — April 1 — the Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox.

Worm Moon In India date and timings

The Time for India for Worm moon is 06:21 am . The date is 2 March 2018 . Get up early that day . in January we had Super blue blood moon . read about it here.So do you like to read such articles , consider liking our page on Facebook here , following us on Twitter here ,or if you love some visual treatment , we make some high quality videos on YouTube as well which you can view here . have a great day :). Visit our hompage HERE for the LATEST SCIENCE NEWS.