falcon heavy

SpaceX to launch Falcon Heavy on February 6th

Just days after SpaceX performed a successful static fire of its Falcon Heavy rocket, Elon Musk says that the company is planning to launch the rocket for the first time on Tuesday, February 6th from Cape Kennedy in Florida.
SpaceX originally intended to launch the rocket in 2013 or 2014, but has continually pushed the date back. Now that the rocket has successfully completed its tests, the first launch is within sight.


Comprised of three reusable Falcon 9 rocket cores strapped together, the spacecraft is one of the most powerful ever made. It will take off from launchpad 39A, which once launched Apollo and Space Shuttle missions. Musk notes that there will be “Easy viewing from the public causeway.”

This launch will have 3 boosters coming back to land back on earth . 2 of the side boostres will land on land , while the core stage will land on a autonomus droneship in the oceon .

There is sure a lot excitement about the launch . The payload it is carrying is a Original tesla roadster owned by musk.It will be headed on a journey to mars !.

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