Gareeb Scientist

Alien conspiracy theorist claim spaceship in antartica

Credits : secure Team/google

There have been multiple sightings where an unidentified object has been spotted on our planet with no proof whether it was extraterrestrial. A similar case has been reported recently where the world seems divided whether it is a spaceship or a glacier? While alien hunters claim that it is a spaceship that doesn’t belong to Earth but there are experts that dimiss such claims. Recently, an unidentified object crash landed in Antarctica and alien hunters are convinced that it’s a spaceship.

The cigar-shaped object is believed to be UFO or unidentified flying object that has left a bizarre track behind. The mysterious object was first spotted by Secureteam, which is a source for reporting the UFO sightings. The team claims that the alien spaceship was found on South Georgia Island which is a British territory and is mostly uninhabited. Experts, however, believe that it is a glacier and there’s nothing about aliens here.

The team posted a video showing the cigar-shaped object in the snow that seemed to have crash landed in snow after leaving a big trail behind it. Secureteam shared a footage of the object on YouTube that has so far received over 800,000 views. One of the reasons why Secureteam is claiming that it is a crashed spaceship is because the object skidded for many miles before coming to halt. There have been already people supporting and some dismissing the claims of alien ship. Some of the commenters on the video suggest that the object is a glacier that fell from the nearby mountain.

In the video posted, the team shared footage from Google Earth that exactly pinpoints the object in Antarctica. “It appears to be some sort of massive elongated or cigar-shaped that at some point – and we don’t know when – came to a screeching halt in the snow. This could be something which came from the air and crash-landed,” Secureteam said in the video commentary of the footage.

The team also claimed the measurement of the object like it is said to be about 63 metres in length. One of the commenters on YouTube claimed it to be no aliens involved and was just a piece of glacier. The team also suggested that the shape of the object in snow suggests it could be a submarine stuck in the snow.

Soon after the footage went viral, there have been experts that claim that the Google Earth is just showing a piece of ice from a nearby mountain and it is not an alien spaceship.

Dr Richard Waller, senior lecturer in physical geography at Keele University, told Daily Mail, “It looks to me as though this feature is related to a large avalanche from a nearby mountain. Part of a hanging glacier appears to have collapsed, you can see the avalanche debris at the foot of the slope, and this could be a large block of ice that has travelled further as a consequence. The track shows that it’s sliding over a snow-covered glacier before it comes to a rest.”